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Phone: (817) 793-3060
“leopard tracks lead to leopards, not to bears. It is no great help saying they are both animals and we are following animal tracks, because we are following definite animal tracks determined by the beast that made them. Their specificity cannot be ignored, and any asserted rough commonalities between leopards and bears will do nothing to disguise the fact that a leopard is not a bear…”
“A true progression must be tracked as such. This means the earlier revelation must in some way determine the boundaries of the later revelation. It cannot be that a set of disclosures, vitally linked together to reveal a certain subject (say, Messiah, or the land grant to Israel), may admit to wholesale ambiguities further along the line. Revelation is not a brainteaser written in code. Such would be a contradiction in terms.”
“Putting aside for the minute the problem of our common failure to reflect God’s truth in our every communication (something I’ll return to), the fact remains that communication; from God first and then to each other, is happening. So before we can get into our main subject of progressive revelation, we must initially ponder what makes for effective communication.”
My concern in this article is to address this phenomenon of prophetic makeover. How can God express Himself in the most forceful language of commitment to Israel and not mean what He is saying (Jer. 31-33)? How can God make a solemn oath to accomplish stipulations which He and no one else has placed upon Himself and proceed to “expand” these stipulations beyond all recognition (Gen. 15)?
This study tracks the way Jesus Himself spoke about the Kingdom of God. This and the next lecture focus on Luke’s Gospel.
This final study of Jesus’ idea of the Kingdom continues to demonstrate how the disciples’ expectation of a future Davidic kingdom was put there by Christ Himself.
The question of Jesus’ disciples, asked after they had been specifically instructed by Him (Acts 1:3) should have put paid to any idea that Israel has no literal kingdom hopes.
7.KingdomTeachings4 Now the attention is on Matthew’s witness. Matthew’s Gospel is perhaps the “Jewish” of the Gospels. These lectures have been taken from the course ‘Biblical Theology of the New Testament’ at Telos Biblical Institute… Continue Reading
This lecture completes the study of the Kingdom of God in Luke’s Gospel.
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