Telos Biblical Institute

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Tag Archives: Acts 1:6

What is Progressive Revelation? (Pt.4)

This entry is part 4 of 6 in the series Progressive Revelation

“Our doctrine of revelation is the bedrock of what ever else we as Christians might want to say.  Revelation entails clarity of intention.  In speaking about “progressive revelation” we are always talking about the character and consistency of the Revelator.”

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Jesus’ Kingdom Teaching: Acts 1:6 (2)

Jesus’ Kingdom Teaching: Acts 1:6 (2)

This entry is part 6 of 6 in the series Jesus' Kingdom

This final study of Jesus’ idea of the Kingdom continues to demonstrate how the disciples’ expectation of a future Davidic kingdom was put there by Christ Himself.

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Jesus’ Kingdom Teaching: Acts 1:6 (1)

Jesus’ Kingdom Teaching: Acts 1:6 (1)

This entry is part 5 of 6 in the series Jesus' Kingdom

The question of Jesus’ disciples, asked after they had been specifically instructed by Him (Acts 1:3) should have put paid to any idea that Israel has no literal kingdom hopes.

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