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Phone: (817) 793-3060
“A triad is a kind of three-in-one. Each member of the triad is connected to the other two. This triad deals with relationships, but I told my friend that his “God, self and others” triad was pretty close to my own theological triad: God, Man, and the World. These three things are also inseparably linked. You cannot think about the world without thinking about yourself and vice versa. And even atheists cannot comprehend these two without facing the question of God; even if they always try to push Him away.”
“Our doctrine of revelation is the bedrock of what ever else we as Christians might want to say. Revelation entails clarity of intention. In speaking about “progressive revelation” we are always talking about the character and consistency of the Revelator.”
This lesson includes background information about the area of Jesus’ early ministry and an introduction to the Sermon on the Mount.
“One thing is for sure; if any of these pat opinions take hold in the hearts of our kids, Christian Truth claims will be held with less conviction – maybe they’ll settle merely temporarily at the most superficial level of a childhood habit? We don’t want that!”
“leopard tracks lead to leopards, not to bears. It is no great help saying they are both animals and we are following animal tracks, because we are following definite animal tracks determined by the beast that made them. Their specificity cannot be ignored, and any asserted rough commonalities between leopards and bears will do nothing to disguise the fact that a leopard is not a bear…”
Dr. Henebury gives a treatment of Christ’s Temptation by Satan in the Wilderness.
Without Tyndale we would not have the English language as we know it.
“A true progression must be tracked as such. This means the earlier revelation must in some way determine the boundaries of the later revelation. It cannot be that a set of disclosures, vitally linked together to reveal a certain subject (say, Messiah, or the land grant to Israel), may admit to wholesale ambiguities further along the line. Revelation is not a brainteaser written in code. Such would be a contradiction in terms.”
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Audio Lectures on Matthew: Chapter Five, Verses 1 to 12 (The Beatitudes)
The Beatitudes are character traits which every child of God ought to portray, even if falteringly, in this life.
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