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Phone: (817) 793-3060
Without Tyndale we would not have the English language as we know it.
A Brief Testimony Before I became a Christian at the age of 25 I had a yearning for truth. I tried to find it, of all places, at the local pub, ‘The Bull’. Not the deep truth of philosophers; just the everyday truth of belonging. Real Ale and parties and pub banter provided the backdrop…
There have been many reviews of this book from different sources, but this is one of the very few from a ‘dispensational’ perspective.
This new book by Meyer describes the hopeless disarray into which evolutionary explanations of the Cambrian Explosion have come. The author convincingly shows how the evidence does not comport with Neo-Darwinism, but in fact contradicts it at many crucial points.
“God made us and our world because He wished to do so. This means that the world is contingent not necessary. The only thing that is necessary is the existence of the Triune God.”
It appears to me that one of the first things a faithful theologian needs to do is to straighten out the confusion brought about by the world’s separation of faith and reason. This relationship is so vital to a biblically fastened worldview that to neglect it will involve the believer in a host of conflicting…
Classifying the Relationships between Doctrines and Their Supporting Texts
This short overview provides the distinctive traits of the form of Dispensationalism which seeks guidance from God’s own covenant words to discover the scheme of the Bible.
Over the many years I have been reading and writing about the Christian Faith, I have become just a little irritated by those well meaning people who try to tell me that in order to really know about Jesus, or ‘Yeshua’ as they like to call Him, it is necessary to get a Jewish perspective on the…
“ As Greg Bahnsen showed in his Always Ready, there is plenty of biblical justification for presuppositional apologetics, without the need to appeal to covenant theology. While Bahnsen was a proponent of covenant theology, he wisely sought to establish his apologetics on a different and firmer foundation. What we want to know is whether Van Til’s apologetic is biblical, and indeed it is.”
“Paul Henebury is doing something so obvious that you have to marvel that no one has done it before, let alone done it so well…” read more
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